Firsts and Seconds

About a week ago, I had a hankering for popcorn. Popcorn is not usually a snack of choice for me, but on this day, I really wanted some. We didn’t have any in the house. We also don’t have a microwave, so for a moment or two, I wondered how I’d even be able to make popcorn without a microwave if we did have popcorn.

And, y’all, no, I didn’t want some SmartFood Popcorn or any other pre-popped bag of popcorn. I wanted “fresh” popcorn.

Eventually, it occurred to me there is such a thing as stovetop popcorn. While searching the aisles of Walmart’s Neighborhood Market for classroom supplies later that day, I asked Matt if he’d ever made stovetop popcorn. He hadn’t, and since neither of us had, he Googled how to make stovetop popcorn. It sounded simple enough, so we went in search of the popcorn aisle.

We stood staring at all the options for stovetop popcorn. I’ve never paid attention to these options before. There’s white popcorn and yellow popcorn. Not sure why that never crossed my mind before, especially since I’ve eaten and seen yellow, white, bicolor, blue, and rainbow corn before. There are different kinds of popcorn oil too which I thought we had to buy because I thought popcorn oil was special. It’s not. In the end, we went for the store-brand white popcorn kernels and skipped the popcorn oil as we had olive oil and grapeseed oil at home.

When we got home, the stovetop popcorn adventure began. Turns out stovetop popcorn is just as easy as microwave popcorn and not adventurous at all – unless you forget the lid to the pot you’re popping the popcorn in – like we did tonight.

It literally started


all over the


As the popcorn danced around the kitchen and Matt attempted to block it with his hand, I went digging for the lid to the pot.

We lost a few pieces to the floor. Tony the pig cleaned it up quickly and thanked us for forgetting the lid. I was thankful for the laughter the debacle created.

Today, I’m grateful for first (and second) attempts with someone I love. I’m also thankful we don’t have a microwave, otherwise, this new adventure may have popped right past us.

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